Vinterdäcken på våran sista häst åker på imorgon.Vinterskorna med brodd.Då vågar man rida ut efter isiga vägar...
Här är bilder från stallet ,lilla Trollungen är med på ett hörn.
Ninnis ponny
Ljungen på bron
Ha en bra vecka alla bloggläsare//Jejje
Så vackra bilder du tar!
SvaraRaderaHa de gott!
Kram Katha
Här har vi än så länge plusgrader, på gott och ont. Inte så kallt, men hagarna ser inte roliga ut! Ska grusa en bit, så pållarna slipper stå och äta höet o leran hade jag tänkt.
SvaraRaderaFin helg till dig!
Did you realize there is a 12 word sentence you can communicate to your partner... that will trigger deep feelings of love and impulsive appeal to you deep inside his heart?
SvaraRaderaThat's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that triggers a man's impulse to love, idolize and look after you with all his heart...
12 Words Will Fuel A Man's Desire Instinct
This impulse is so hardwired into a man's mind that it will drive him to work harder than ever before to love and admire you.
Matter of fact, fueling this dominant impulse is so essential to getting the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...
...You will instantly find him expose his soul and mind to you in such a way he haven't expressed before and he'll see you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly tempted him.